Here are some strategies that can
In addition to this, effective brand reputation management also involves promptly identifying and resolving any threats that can undermine our corporate image, as well as our reaction to criticism. In the latter cases, with a brand reputation management strategy it is possible to turn an attacking content into an opportunity for growth. To cite an example, Barilla, a well-known Italian brand that produces pasta, does it well and in this case is "attacked" on Instagram regarding environmental issues. Let's see how he reacts. Barilla responds calmly, offering its arguments and even anticipating important news about the future of the company. The user responds again: his tone changes, now more conciliatory and open to dialogue. Thank the brand and shift attention to the topic at a general level. What matters, therefore, is that the user feels listened to and receives a relevant response in a short time.All this can make a significant difference, effectively transforming an attack into a new possibility for interaction with users. What is meant by brand reputation management? How to increase your company's brand reputation Building a positive brand reputation is certainly not an easy path. How to do it, then?really make the difference in spreading a positive image of our brand even beyond the border. Target analysis The first step to take is to understand who our target is, i.e. our potential customers, and how they behave online. To do this, we can ask ourselves: Who are we addressing our communication to? What is our target looking for online? On which channels is Agent Email List he most active? Based on the answers to these questions, we can first create the , i.e. the prototype of our ideal customer, and then the : will be our guide in applying a strategy that satisfies our target. Here are some strategic activities that you can exploit to effectively manage your brand reputation.
Company blog Creating a successful blog can stimulate users to follow the company assiduously and share content in their personal profiles. What matters in this case is to capture the issues most followed and felt by our target. An example is that of the TED Talks portal, an American non-profit organization that promotes conferences held by professionals from different sectors. The company's format has spread throughout the world, including Italy, thanks to the quality of the meetings offered: professionals in the fields of education, technologynology, science and creativity speak for a maximum of half an hour, offering interesting and topical ideas to viewers. The meetings take place live but a few weeks after the events, the organization shares and disseminates the videos of the meetings through social networks and creates in-depth articles to include in the blog. The speakers of the events themselves write these articles.