This is the position taken by the National Labor Inspectorate: he publishes and is not entirely sure whether it constitutes a commercial message or is neutral content, he should mark it as advertising. . In the opinion of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, such action is legal and a sign of respect for observers. Are you looking for accounting that will work in the advertising industry? Find out more. content is self-promotion.
Advertising your own brand of your own products and services. This usually includes situations where the influencer runs philippines photo editor a business and advertises their products or services on social media. IMPORTANT Self-promotion as advertising also requires marking. The recommendations indicate that Content on social media cannot give the impression of neutral if it is advertising material and the purpose of its publication is to increase the sale of own goods or services. Gifts If you receive a gift from a given brand.
The influencer does not have to mark this content as advertising material - however, it is important that this gift is the first gift from the collaborator. Because publications about repeated gifts from the same brand are treated as advertising material, which means that the influencer should inform followers about it. Methods of marking In a clear, unambiguous and understandable way for every recipient - these are the criteria that an influencer should follow when marking advertising materials that he publishes on his social media channels.