Alive chat CRM analytics and more. DOWNLOAD THE FREEHow to Indent Text Paragraphs Lists More in CSS Download Now 25 Free HTML CSS Hacks Anna Fitzgerald Anna Fitzgerald Updated April 20 2022 Published June 25 2021 There are different ways you can make a web page easier to read skim and digest. Adding images is a great way. Drop caps can also work. Junior developer learning how to use the CSS textindent property Indentation is another formatting technique that can help organize and present content on the page. Although its much more lists and bullet points can be intended to break up content on web pages and improve their readability. Download Now 50 Code Templates.
Free Snippets In this post well walk through how you can indent different elements with just a bit of code. Well cover CSS textindent property how to indent text how to indent paragraphs how to indent paragraphs except Digital Marketing Service the first how to indent lists how to indent bullet points why textindent property might not be working Textindent CSS The CSS textindent property sets the indentation of the first line in a text block. It can be defined by positive or negative values. If the value is positive the first line will be indented to the right. If the value is negative the first line will be intended to the left.
To set the textindent property in CSS you can use length values or percentages. Length values like px pt and em will define a fixed length of empty space. Percentages will define the indentation as a percentage of the width of the parent element. Lets take a look at how to use this CSS property to indent text paragraphs lists and more. How to Indent Text in CSS You can use the CSS textindent property to indent text in any block container including divs headings asides articles blockquotes and list elements. Say you want to indent all div elements containing text on a page to the right by 50px. Then using the CSS.