While platforms like TikTok and Snapchat are growing more and more in 2020, there is still a reluctance among Boomers to fully embrace online platforms like the younger generations. This is especially true when it comes to mixing their personal and professional lives. 82% of Boomers who use the Internet have at least one account on a social network. Their main platform is Facebook and, in recent years, LinkedIn, where they perfectly share their work and personal life. Baby Boomers are less likely to use other platforms such as TikTok, Instagram or Snapchat.
At the same time, they are less likely to have multiple pro Tunisia Email List files on multiple social networks. SoMe-Generations_Boomers This generation has not developed an understanding of how other social networks work, not being attracted by the options they provide, such as the filters in the case of photos on Instagram or Snapchat. They use social media for communication and research and stopped at this point. In the case of Baby Boomers, they are the least likely to access social media from a smartphone or make a purchase through an application.
In addition to sharing content about their families on Facebook and searching for information on LinkedIn, 54% of Boomers watch video content for information, not entertainment. When a Boomer spends time on social media, they like to redirect interesting content and prefer to use social networks as one of their many informational resources. Generation X People born between 1965 and 1979 are considered to be part of Generation X. This generation now holds most of the leadership positions in business.