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You can do that by searching for a query where









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That question shows in the PAA box. To reveal those queries, hit the “+” icon on the question itself: Screen Recording 2020 09 21 at 05.52 pm Copy and paste one of these into Google. You should see the question in the PAA box in the SERP. Expand it and see if you’re the source. 17 websites paa SIDENOTE. If you don’t see the question in the PAA box, try setting your VPN to the target country and searching incognito. If you are the source, move on to the next question. There’s no logic optimizing for a question where you’re already the answer. 6. Check that you’re ‘eligible’ to rank in the PAA box Most of the answers Google chooses for the PAA box seem to come from one of the top ten rankings for the question itself. For example, if you search for ‘most visited websites’, the answer for the question ‘What are the top 10 websites?’ in the PAA box comes from our list of the most visited websites.

18 paa most popular websites SIDENOTE. Again, it’s best to do this in incognito with a VPN. And if you indian phone number search for that question, you’ll see our page in position #3: 19 paa question ranking So, unless you’re already ranking in the top 10 for the question itself, chances are your page isn’t an eligible answer source. If that’s the case, go back and choose a different question to potentially optimize for. 7. Optimize your page If you’ve got this far, then the following should be true: You’ve found a popular PAA question. Your page is not currently the source of the answer. You rank in the top 10 when you search Google for that question. Good. Now, how do you optimize your page? Most of the same best practices exist here as when optimizing for featured snippets. Here’s the basic process: 20 optimize paa Let’s go through each of these in more detail. Is the answer to the question on the page? If the answer isn’t on your page, you need to add it.

After all, there’s zero chance your page being selected as an answer source if it isn’t actually a source. Note that you don’t necessarily need to use the same exact wording here. For example, Healthline is the source of the answer for the question “What is a dehumidifier used for?”, but the page itself doesn’t use this phrasing. Google pulls the answer from the intro below the H1 that reads “What Does a Dehumidifier Do?” Screenshot 2020 09 30 at 14.47.41 healthline source It’s also important not to shoehorn answers to irrelevant questions into your content. For instance, if your page is about the top 100 most visited websites, trying to optimize for a PAA question like ‘What is a website?’ is a bad idea.


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