Boolean expression manually and you make an error, Linkedin won’t tell you. They will simply not apply the entire query and run the search anyway. That is why it is super important to triple check your boolean query before copy-pasting into Sales Navigator. Where To Use Boolean Search on Linkedin? You can use Linkedin boolean search in different places: Linkedin Basic Linkedin Sales Navigator Linkedin Recruiter In each of this search engine, the boolean search can be used on: The job title field The keyword search field Company field School fiel.
Linkedin Basic Search On Linkedin basic search, boolean Job Function Email List search operators can be used on: The general search First Name Last Name Title Company School linkedin boolean search basic search engine You can run searches like this one boolean basic search Keyword filter will look into specific fields whereas the general search bar will look into the whole linkedin profile: job titles job description school skills recommendation general keyword search linkedin However Linkedin basic search is not able to handle quotes.
If you try add more than expression between quotes you will see this message: linkedin basic search not handle quotes It’s weird as Linkedin says there are not able to handle your request. It’s for sure a way for them to make you buy Sales Navigator. . Linkedin thing for using boolean search on Sales Navigator. The global keyword field will look for the keyword into the whole profile: Description About Section Job experiences Education Skills Recommendation Etc sales navigator boolean search keyword filter.