Before going into detail about some of these SEO factors, let's start at the beginning, which is that all SEO optimization begins with a user search on Google. Discover what your target audience searches for on Google To get visits from Google, the first step is to know what people search for on Google . But not just anyone, but more specifically your target audience. The ideal is to reach those users who are interested in our products or services or, in the case of covering something massive (such as a general newspaper), what is most sought after. Think like them, and investigate their interests, doubts and needs .
This keyword research is technically known as Keyword Research , and there Czech Republic Phone Number List are certain Keyword Research tools that will help you in this task: Ahrefs Keyword Generator The Ahrefs Keyword Generator is a free tool with which you can discover what is most searched for on Google starting from an initial word. For example, if you search for “t-shirts,” the tool will return up to derived keywords such as “cheap t-shirts,” with an estimate of how many times it is searched per month. Answerthepublic AnswerThePublic is another free tool where, by entering a main keyword, you will receive suggestions of what people search on Google about it .

For example, introducing the term “marketing”, you will see that there are people asking “why study marketing”, “differences between marketing and advertising”, among others. Google Trends Google Trends is an official Google tool that tells you the popularity of a keyword , and the evolution of said popularity. This way you will be able to know if it is a seasonal keyword, if it has gone out of fashion, if it is stable, or if it is booming in searches. In addition to these tools, remember that if you have knowledge on the subject, you yourself can consider what your target audience might search for on Google , simply by putting yourself in their shoes and answering their concerns.