Httpsenterpriseexamplecom httpsstoreexamplecom httpsblogexamplecom Subdirectories on the other hand are folders in your domains and you can have subdirectories on the main domain as well as in your subdirectoriesportions of the following URLs httpsexamplecomstore httpsexamplecomblog httpsblogexamplecomcategory Evidence Of Subdomains And Subdirectories As Ranking Factors In Matt Cutts formerly head of the spam team at Google wrote a blog post about subdomains and subdirectories He said in it A subdomain can be useful
for separating completely different content In in response to the Google Panda update HubPages moved usergenerated content to subdomains Traffic has returned to prePanda levels in the first three weeks since he activated subdomains for himself and several other authors and other authors have seen significant if not complete conversions of their web traffic Evidence Against Subdomains And Subdirectories As Ranking Factors Google has confirmed how it handles subdomains and subdirectories on a few occasions In the Google Search Central Support
documentation you will find the following Is it better to use subfolders or subdomains You should choose what is easiest for you to organize and manage From an indexing and ranking perspective Google has no preference In Cutts Australia WhatsApp Number answered the same question about how Google displays subdomains and subdirectories Theyre almost equivalent Id basically pick which one is easier for you in terms of configuration CMSs content management systems all that kind of stuff Cutts gave an example of this using a company that wanted to use a different CMS like WordPress VIP or Tumblr to run its blog He went on to say that historically Google would return two results per host and this allowed webmasters to abuse subdomains making enough to take over search results Google has updated its algorithm to show only one or two results per domain making it difficult for subdomains to take up more positions in search.