Average search advertising conversion rate by industry from wordstream google ads benchmarks report These were the average search advertising conversion rates for each industry from our Google Ads benchmarks. In this article Ill discuss some of my favorite strategies for increasing conversion rates Pay attention to page speed Provide sufficient easytodigest information Include all types of social proof Set expectations for the conversion process Include multiple ways for users to convert Minimize required fields Ill also provide examples for a few different business types where possible to help make the illustration. Lets get started. Pay attention to page speed It might not be the sexiest suggestion in this post but page speed is still a huge factor in getting users to convert.
Im sure you know from your own experience that if a page loads slowly its much more likely that youre going to leave the page and find another site rather than wait seemingly forever to convert. If youre unsure of how fast Email Datayour pages are loading or not sure what to do to make them run more quickly you can use Googles PageSpeed Insights tool to get a handle on both of those things. google pagespeeds insights tool output example to increase conversion rates Worried youre wasting spend in Google Ads Find out with a free instant audit Google Ads Performance Grader Provide sufficient easytodigest information As business owners product owners or agencies who love our customers we all likely have a passion for whatever were trying to promote online. Put that passion to good use Create landing pages with compelling information that gives an overview of your product or service and do so in an easytodigest fashion.
A out of features Outline of benefits Technical specifications Usage or compatibility requirements Visualizations or videos And many more options To give an example of this I was looking at a single product and found two very different landing page experiences for it. The Jackery Solar Generator is a portable generator that can be recharged using portable solar panels. Pretty darn cool if you ask me. When I searched for it there were two options for purchasing Jackerys site and Walmart. On the Walmart site which is a largely trusted retailer theres a handful of product images at the top of the page and then some supporting information below.